Today, I got to witness a photo shoot that Helen, Paige, and a woman from the marketing team did to help promote an annual event New Lanark puts on called Back in Time Day. Sadly it won't take place until September, but getting to see the photo shoot today was a lot of fun! Photo bombing as well made it even more enjoyable (sorry friends but I had to:P)!
I had some time to go through my ideas with Helen and Paige as well, and they seem on board with what I have so far for my exhibit which was very great to hear. I felt for awhile that I didn't know what I was trying to research, and definitely had a few moments of "if I read any more my brain might explode", you know the fun parts of being a historian and researching. But to know I'm on the right track and receiving feedback has been extremely helpful and showing me I'm on the right track.
Later that night, I stepped out of my comfort food zone to try another Scotland native meal called Scotch Pie at Valerios in Lanark.
After having my fill, I went grocery shopping and drug my groceries the mile and a half (probably less but it feels like longer) to New Lanark to attempt cooking for myself. I'm still not very good, but I guess there's always take out if the food isn't that edible.
Some tips I've learned and that I'd like to give if any of you find yourself travelling is to find your methods of travel in advance. The only caveat I have so far from not having my car is how much I don't know about public transportation since Indiana doesn't have nearly as much as Europe does. Try to buy the off-peak return tickets (its cheaper than buying the single or reserving a seat on your return trip.) Trying to plan out different methods of travel with the trains and buses has been a bit of a hassle but i have some really great people who are much better at navigating than I am.
If there are any specifics of what you all want to know about my travels, just email me or send me a message through the site and I'd love to answer them!
Until next time, friends!